Tenant Chargeback Program
Purpose: To enter a charge to a Tenant and simultaneously create a invoice for the charge.
Go to the Tenant Ledger, edit and add a charge. You will see a check box on the screen "Add a Charge Letter." Check this box and continue.
Another window will open so that you can use a different letter template other than the letter template included in the RIS program by default. The RIS template letter for chargebacks (a Word document) will be completed for you with the date, amount and your comment.
The chargeback letter is a Word document that you can edit. The letter will be saved automatically to tenant letters. (Please note that in Tenant Letters, there are now categories of letters that you must filter to see the letters in that category or to see all the letters in all categories.) Now you can print or email the chargeback letter.
The chargeback letter is automatically "attached" to the tenant charge. At any time, you can go to the tenant charge in the Tenant Ledger and view/edit the letter that was attached (by choosing to edit the charge and view the letter). You can also attach additional documents (photos, scanned images, etc.) to the tenant charge. And, you can attach and detach documents at any time.
The chargeback letter template can be edited in Letters->System Template Letters->"Charge Back Default" letter. You can also set up you own separate Charge Back letter template and you can change the default letter template. (The default Charge Back letter can be changed to a different letter template by selecting the letter category ChargeBack and clicking the button "Default CB Letter."